To begin the week the children started writing news articles about their fabulous bank holidays! They got up to so many things and the teachers loved hearing and reading about all their adventures.

Year 1 have been focusing on multiplication and division in Maths. They have been busy making an array city which is now on display in Pre Prep. The children have also been looking at sharing numbers into equal groups and adding them using quick counting skills.

In English the class has been creating a medieval story all about the topic, ‘Who’s the King of the Castle?’ and have read stories about princesses, princes, banquets and 100 headed dragons! And they continued the theme in Art where they designed a coat of arms to represent themselves.

In Science the children have been planting sunflowers, ready for their sunflower diary. Year 1 are having a competition on who can grow the biggest sunflower. Come take a look outside Squirrel class to see the results each week.

Finally, the children have created calming glitter jars to regulate their emotions if they need to, as part of their focus on how to understand and control their emotions.