We are delighted to reinstate Pennthorpe’s official Equestrian Team! We are looking for enthusiastic and capable representatives to join us in showcasing our school at various upcoming equestrian events, starting with Hurst on 26 September.

Based on feedback from our community, it is anticipated that this team will generate significant interest. Therefore, if you are interested in representing Pennthorpe at upcoming events, kindly indicate your interest by completing the attached form.

To be considered for team selection, your child must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a registered member of a pony club
  • Be able to get yourself and your pony to and from events
  • Have valid insurance

All selected riders will be required to pay the entry fee of £30.

The prospect of children representing Pennthorpe’s Equestrian Team is truly exciting and marks the beginning of something great for the school’s future in competitive riding!