With 20 energetic little explorers, the team set off on a beautiful morning, ready to discover the wonders of nature and enjoy a day full of fun.

The first stop was the Nature Centre to listen to the story about Wilfy the Meercat. The children were thrilled to see all the different animals up close, from curious meerkats to colourful birds. The excitement on their faces as they spotted their favourite animals was lovely! The group also took a stroll around the lakeside, where the children were fascinated by the ducks gliding across the water.

After the animal encounters, it was time to refuel! The children eagerly unpacked their lunches, sharing stories and giggles as they enjoyed their snacks. There’s something magical about eating outdoors, and the fresh air seemed to make the sandwiches and fruit taste even better! It was wonderful to see them so happy and free, making the most of the beautiful day and playing together.

The trip ended with a gentle walk through the forest back to the minibus. The children were captivated by the tall trees and the crunch of leaves underfoot. They collected pinecones, spotted squirrels, and even found a few mushrooms! It was the perfect way to wind down and connect with nature before heading back to school. As the children boarded the bus back, there were tired but happy faces all around. The children chatted excitedly about their favourite moments of the day. It was a fantastic trip filled with learning, laughter, and new experiences. The children can’t wait for their next adventure!

Tilgate Park, thank you for the memories! 🌳✨