It’s fair to say there is no typical “week in the life” of a Year 1 pupil at Pennthorpe, other than to say it is guaranteed to be busy, engaging, interesting and fun! This week has not disappointed, even though last week’s trip to Drusillas might have been a hard act to follow!

The week started with the children doing a written piece of reflection on their trip to the zoo, paying special attention to grammar. Everyone worked extremely hard, concentrating on using commas, exclamation marks, similes, adjectives and even time connectives. It also meant we could all relive the fun of the flamingos, and remember how it felt to pet the gerbils, milk snakes, chinchillas and lizards.

Animals have sprung up across many of Year 1’s lessons this week. In preparation for ‘Year 1 Carnival Day’ we’ve studied the ‘Carnival of the Animals’ by Camille Saint-Saëns, which is a zoological themed classical piece. There are 14 short movements, which are perfect for children’s short attention spans, each conveying different animals. The children loved to guess the animal that each movement was depicting, and created little dance pieces to compliment the music and convey each animals behaviour.