Meet the Governors

To contact our Chair of Governors, please email the Clerk to the Governors, Paul Flowerday, at

The role of the Governing Board is to determine the aims and overall conduct of the school, and to formulate and review the school’s strategic plans; whilst also appointing the Head and reviewing their performance. The Board do not get involved in the day to day running of the school as this is delegated to the Head, supported by other members of the school’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT). The Board have responsibility for strategy, financial sustainability, the protection of the estate, the educational quality of the teaching and compliance with regulations, legislation and policies.


Mrs Diana Kay

Chair of Governance and Nominations
Mrs Diana Kay

Mr Richard Sharkey

Chair of Governors and Safeguarding Governor
Mr Richard Sharkey

Mr Nick Roberts

Vice Chair of the Governing Body

Chair of Education & Welfare Committee
Mr Nick Roberts

Mr Michael Proffitt

Finance & Estates and Governance & Nominations Committee
Mr Michael Proffitt

Mr Nick Creed

Finance & Estates and Education & Welfare Committee
Mr Nick Creed

Mr Tom Scully

Mr Tom Scully

Mr Iain Regan-Smith

Safeguarding Governor on the Education & Welfare Committee
Mr Iain Regan-Smith

Mr Mark Baynham

Governor on the Finance & Estates Committee
Mr Mark Baynham

Mrs Sarah Browne

Mrs Sarah Browne

Mr Franklin Neathercoat

Governor on the Finance & Estates Committee

Mr Vincent Rapley

Chair of Finance & Estates Committee
Mr Vincent Rapley

Mrs Emily Harrison

Education & Welfare Committee
Mrs Emily Harrison

Mr Adrian Cutler

Mr Adrian Cutler

Pennthorpe has a Board of Governors who are chosen for their specialist knowledge and expertise. To foster effective governance, the full Governing Board convene on a termly basis and receive a full report from the Head. Reports are also provided by the Finance and Estates committee, the Education and Welfare committee and the Governance and Nominations committee which meet in advance of the full Board meeting.

Every Governor serves on at least one of these committees, collectively contributing their expertise and efforts. They also regularly visit the school to see first-hand the impact of their work, attending major school events such as Prize Giving, Sports Day, special project days in the classrooms, school plays and concerts.

All our Governors serve on a voluntary basis, without any form of remuneration for their invaluable service and are deeply committed to the continuing success and welfare of our school. The Chair of Governors should only be contacted in matters relating to the Head. All other enquiries will be dealt with by the Head. Should you wish to contact our Chair, please email the Bursar (who is also clerk to the governing body) at