They were given a tulip each and set the task of finding each different part of the flower, gently removing it and attaching it to their worksheet. They were able to find petals, stamen, stigma, anther, style and filaments! Very impressive Science work Year 3!
Wellbeing / Academic
Flower Power!
As part of their learning about plants and flowers in Science, the Year 3 children dissected tulips this week.
The petals on a flower are bright to attract insects to pollinate it!Elise, Year 3
The Year 3 children also headed into the woods this week to get some sensory inspiration for the poems that they will be writing. The children were given the task of being as observant as possible and writing down things that they could touch, hear, smell, see and anything they could taste (without putting things in their mouths!) They came up with some wonderful ideas and it was lovely to spend some time in the sunshine!
I can hear the breeze and leaves crunching under peoples feet!Year 3 child
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