This week, Year 5 students conducted exciting experiments to understand friction, air and water resistance, and buoyancy.

In the friction investigation, students tested how different surfaces—carpet, astro turf, and towels—affected the speed of toy cars on ramps. Rough surfaces, like the carpet, slowed the cars down due to higher friction. They also tested the grip of different shoes by placing them on a ramp. Snow boots and climbing shoes had the best grip, while flip flops and high heels slid easily due to their smooth soles.

Pupils then explored air and water resistance, testing how fast different shapes of paper fell and how objects moved through water. They learned that streamlined shapes reduce drag, allowing objects to move faster.

Lastly, they investigated floating and sinking, testing everyday items like rubber balls and coins to see which ones float. They discovered that objects float when they are less dense than water and sink when they are denser.