The plan for the week is that we will explore different sorts of thinking with the children, to develop awareness and an understanding that different is not wrong. As part of this exploration, the children will be watching a number of age-appropriate video clips. Mrs Daley has included links to the clips below, so that you can see what they will be watching and discuss any questions that may be asked at home. Parents will also get video links through the week, but we won’t give any spoilers at this point!

There will be a ‘Dress to Express’ non-uniform day on the last day of term, as part of our Neurodiversity Celebration. This is an opportunity for children (and staff) to dress in a way that expresses who they are; how they think; a time to just be themselves. We can’t wait to see how the children will choose to express themselves.

  • Monday: 

Different Brains (Beehive to Year 4) – click here

What is Neurodiversity? (Years 5-8) – click here

  • Tuesday:

Focus on ‘dyslexia’ (Reception to Year 4) – click here

Tom Grennan on Dyslexia (Years 5-8) – click here

  • Wednesday:

Focus on ADHD (Years 1-4) – click here

Focus on ADHD (Years 5-8) – click here

  • Thursday:

Focus on Autism (Reception to Year 8) – click here

  • Friday:

Focus on Dyspraxia (Reception to Year 8) – click here


Thank you, in advance, for your support with this. Please do feel free to join in with the ‘Dress to Express’ at the end of next week; it will certainly make drop off and pick up exciting!