The Pennthorpe Prodigy Programme

The Pennthorpe Prodigy Programme is a tailored programme specifically designed for children in Year 3 to Year 8 who are particularly gifted or talented in a specific subject or area.

At Pennthorpe, we are incredibly proud and fortunate to celebrate an array of talent among our students. On the basis of this, we are delighted to offer a programme that provides a tailored and bespoke experience, extending the current curriculum to meet the unique needs and abilities of each child. Our commitment to nurturing individual strengths ensures that every student can flourish and achieve their full potential in a supportive and enriching environment.


Pennthorpe Prodigy Pupils will be working considerably above the age expected level for the subject on a consistent and regular basis (‘Exceptional’ Attainment Grades). They will also demonstrate consistently exceptional effort towards the relevant subject/s (‘Exceptional’ Approach to Learning Grades) and be a dedicated role model to younger pupils and peers in the subject (both in and outside of school).

The 2024-25 Prodigy Programme Information Booklet will be available in the Autumn Term 2024, which will include details of the Application Process, the Observational Stage, Assessment Criteria, the Reviewing of Prodigy Pupils and information for current Award and Scholarship holders and further subject specific provisions. In the meantime, for all subject-specific enquiries please contact the relevant Heads of Department. For all general enquires regarding the Prodigy Programme, please contact Jon Marler directly.

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Our Pennthorpe Prodigy Programme represents an extraordinary opportunity for our talented students. This industry unique initiative not only celebrates their exceptional abilities but, also provides them with a bespoke curriculum that extends beyond our already exceptional skills-based learning environment. By offering this tailored programme, we ensure that each participant can fully explore and develop their unique talents, setting them on a path to excellence and success. Chris Murray, Head


Launched in 2024, the Pennthorpe Prodigy Programme is an exciting new initiative, built on the successful framework established by both the historic Braby Scholarship and the Pennthorpe Academic Scholarship Programme. The Prodigy Programme reflects on the elements that have proven to excel our students further; focusing on the strengths and unique talents that drive their success. By honing in on these plus points, we aim to provide an enriched, tailored experience that empowers our students to achieve even greater heights.


To further stretch, challenge and cultivate the passions and talents of the participating children


Pupils who demonstrate exceptional aptitude or talent in a specific discipline, performing significantly beyond age-appropriate standards and serving as exemplars in their field of expertise


Through a breadth of enrichment opportunities in addition to the Pennthorpe Curriculum

All Pennthorpe Prodigies will be invited on at least one trip, one subject lunch with fellow Prodigies and one guest speaker visit each year, along with a range of additional Enrichment Sessions and other opportunities. This structure will ensure consistent opportunities for personal growth and development on the focused subject/s.


English, Maths, Science, Humanities & MFL

Drama and Music

How to apply

Pupils can apply at any time from the Summer Term of Year 2
Pupils can apply via a video, selection of photographs or written application
Pupils will then be invited to a ‘Prodigy Chat’ with the relevant Head of Department to discuss the ‘Observation Stage’
Pupils will then be ‘observed’ for a maximum of two terms based on the Assessment Criteria
Pupils will be invited for a ‘Feedback Meeting’ with the relevant Head of Department
Click here to apply