Year 6

During Year 6, our pupils are given one leadership role each term.

  • In the Autumn Term, the Year 6 pupils work together to organise the distribution of the Christmas post.
  • In the Spring Term, the pupils shadow the Year 7 pupils, learning how they complete their duties at break and lunch.
  • In the Summer Term, the Year 6 pupils are allocated duties of their own to complete, preparing them to enter Year 7.

Year 7

  • Enterprise Challenge

Linked to their PSB project, and PSHE lessons, our students are tasked with raising money for a community project of their choice.

  • Pennthorpe Tour Guides

As Tour Guides, our Year 7 pupils support the Year 8 children in being Pennthorpe Tour Guides. Collaboratively they are responsible for showing external visitors and parents around the school for Open Mornings and other events, such as ‘Come and See What We Do!’.

  • Duty Rota

During the Autumn and Spring Terms, the our Year 7 pupils complete various duties, whilst being shadowed by Year 6 pupils and helping them to develop the same skills. Duties typically include organising the distribution of snacks at break time, supervising the lunch queue and clearing up of lunch, as well as being football monitors.

  • Leader Ladder Treat

Year 7 pupils can earn pluses throughout the day, for effort in lessons, embodying the Pennthorpe Purpose, and for completing their duties. If the termly target for the year group is met, all pupils receive a reward. Recent Leader Ladder Treats include a trip to the Milk Churn, for a slice of Sussex Charmer on toast, and a trip to Pizza Express in Cranleigh.

  • Student Wellbeing Ambassador Training

As part of our Wellbeing Curriculum, our Year 7 pupils learn ways to support their own emotional and mental resilience, which can be used to also support others. Potential Student Wellbeing Ambassadors are selected by our Pastoral Staff, based on progress made during their Year 7 RISE studies, to begin training in Year 8, the following year.

Year 8

  • Whole School Charity Event Organisers

All our pupils have the opportunity to pitch for a charity that the school will support. Once it is decided, our Whole School Charity Event Organisers work together, with staff, to establish how best to organise events that will support the chosen charity.

  • Pennthorpe Visitor Guides

As Visitor Guides, Year 8 pupils are responsible for showing external visitors and parents around the school for Open Mornings and other events, such as ‘Come and See What We Do!’. They also support Year 7 pupils, and sometimes younger, in learning what it takes to be a guide and welcome school visitors.

  • Student Wellbeing Ambassadors 

Our Student Wellbeing Ambassadors take part in a termly training programme to extend the knowledge and skills they have learned through the RISE programme. Typically, Student Wellbeing Ambassadors take part in weekly reading in the Pre-Prep, act as 1:1 buddies, and host ‘Hot Chocolate and Talk’ sessions at break in the library.

  • Senior Status

Senior Status is earned through sustained effort across all aspects of Pennthorpe life. Seniors must meet an academic effort level of 7 or above, with no minuses or detentions. As Seniors, pupils gain use of the Octopod as a space to eat their lunch and have Hot Chocolate Fridays.

  • Prefects

Once Senior Status has been earned, pupils can apply to become a prefect. Pupils are interviewed for the position by the Head. Prefect are expected to embody the Pennthorpe Purpose, and be an excellent role model for their peers and younger pupils. As a reward, prefects have termly lunches with the Head and get use of the front stairs!

  • Head Boy & Head Girl

Our Head Boy and Girl are the ultimate Pennthorpe ambassadors. Assisting with tours, huddles, decision making and more, our Head Boy and Head Girl are identified by their gold-trimmed blazers. At the beginning of the academic year, the Head Boy and Head Girl go to lunch with the Head to celebrate their achievement!


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I really enjoy being a Wellbeing Ambassador. I think we can relate to the younger children more easily than adults, because it wasn't that long ago that we were in their shoes. Year 8 Pupil Wellbeing Ambassador