The day consisted of different rounds. It started with a team Maths quiz with 15 different questions to answer as a team, varying in difficulty. The second round was a crossnumber, answering Maths questions and then filling the answers into a grid, similar to a crossword.

After a break, the third round had the team split into pairs, answering questions and passing the answer that would then be used as part of the other pairs question…meaning if one team got an answer wrong, all subsequent answers would also be wrong! The fourth round was ‘Make that Number’…or also known as the Countdown numbers game! The students had to make a given target using 6 numbers and any operations, and write their answers making sure they still worked with BIDMAS being applied. This was definitely the Pennthorpe teams favourite round, as they often play this as a warm up in Mental Maths lessons!

The final round was a relay race, again working in pairs. Each pair had 15 questions to complete, however only one pair in a team could work at a time. Once an answer had been marked, they had to race across the room to hand the next question to the other pair.

At the end of the day certificates were awarded and the winners announced…the Pennthorpe team were incredibly surprised and happy to finish in joint second place! A huge congratulations to them for doing so well in a very competitive challenge!